06 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Study of ferromagnetism systems
Minisymposium organized by Clémentine Courtès, Raphaël Côte and Stéphane Labbé
Room: Vestfold (1F)
Chair: Clémentine Courtès
CoChair: Stéphane Labbé
Stability of 2-domain wall for the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in a nanowire with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Raphaël Côte and Guillaume Ferriere

Domain Walls pinning in notched ferromagnetic nanowires
Gilles Carbou and David Sanchez

Modeling and control of ferromagnetic nanowires
Yannick Privat and Emmanuel trélat

Numerical methods for inertial spin dynamics in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets
Michele Ruggeri

Stochastic modelling of thermal effects on a ferromagnetic nano particle
Jérôme Lelong and Stéphane Labbé

Higher dimensional topological textures in multiferroics
Patrick Buhl, Louise Desplat, Sebastian Meyer and Bertrand Dupé

Computational micro-magneto-mechanics
Christian Dorn and Stephan Wulfinghoff