06 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Biological fluid mechanics: modeling, simulation, and analysis I
Minisymposium organized by Boyce Griffith, Sookkyung Lim and Sarah Olson
Room: Sřr – Norge (GF)
Chair: Sarah Olson
Simulations of fluttering leaves
Shilpa Khatri, Nicholas Battista, Laura Miller and Matea Santiago

Flash or Sniff: Testing the evolutionary divergence of firefly antennae due to sexual selection
Lindsay Waldrop and Shilpa Khatri

Numerical Investigation of a 3D Dragonfly Wing Captured with a High-Resolution Micro-CT
Vera Stelzer, Markus Rütten and Lars Krenkel

Swimming behavior of polarly-flagellated bacteria
Sookkyung Lim, Yongsam Kim, Wanho Lee and Jeungeun Park

Hydrodynamic entrapment of uni-flagellated bacteria with flexible flagellum near a flat surface
Vahid Nourian and Henry Shum

Effects of prey capture on the swimming and feeding performance of choanoflagellates
Lisa Fauci, Hoa Nguyen, Emma Ross, Ricardo Cortez and M.A.R. Koehl