06 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Challenges and progress in computational science and engineering: from industry 4.0 to sustainable development I
Minisymposium organized by Matteo Giacomini, Simona Perotto and Gianluigi Rozza
Room: Rogaland (GF)
Chair: Matteo Giacomini
CoChair: Simona Perotto
Model and Method Hierarchies for Biomedical Flow Simulation (Keynote Lecture)
Marek Behr

Deep Reinforcement Learning for fluid mechanics
Elie Hachem, Philippe Meliga, Hassan Ghaieb, Ramy Nemer, Rudy Valette, Aurelien Larcher and Jonathan Viquerat

Separation behaviour of small foreign objects in dry foods
Shunsuke Takeda and Masato Saeki

Variational image segmentation on anisotropic adapted meshes for medical applications
Nicola Ferro, Francesco Clerici, Simona Perotto, Stefano Micheletti, Stefania Marconi and Erika Negrello

HiFiMagnet: a toolchain for the design and simulation of high field magnets
Christophe Trophime, Vincent Chabannes, Christophe Prud‘Homme, Romain Hild and Fracnois Debray