08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Computational Mechanics in high strain rate and impact dynamics
Minisymposium organized by Patrice Longère and Eric Deletombe
Room: Buskerud (1F)
Chair: Patrice Longère
Numerical Simulation of Crack Arrest in Impact Loaded Shock-Resistant PMMA using SPH
Kean Sheng Tan, Patrice Longère and Norazrina Mat Jali

Stochastic Simulation of the Head Impact on Windscreens
Christopher Brokmann, Christian Alter and Stefan Kolling

New predictive models for ballistic limit of spacecraft honeycomb-core sandwich panels subjected to hypervelocity impact
Riley Carriere and Aleksandr Cherniaev

Analytical modeling of shock wave stresses and spall caused by laser plasma in a material interface – application to paint stripping on aluminum substrates
Kosmas Papadopoulos and Konstantinos Tserpes

Large Deformation Plasticity in Reproducing Kernel Particle Method penetration into soil
Craig Foster, Sheng-Wei Chi, Mohammad Atif and Milad Parvaneh

Strain rate dependent material model for dynamic damage evolution in unidirectional composites
Vivekendra Singh, Robin Olsson, Erik Marklund and Ragnar Larsson

Reduced arlequin coupling operators for solution of localized-HF multiscale dynamic problems
Hachmi Ben Dhia and Khalil Abben