06 June 2022    11:00 - 13:00   Add
Computations in Environmental and Geophysical Fluid Mechanics I
Minisymposium organized by Clint Dawson, Ethan Kubatko and Eirik Valseth
Room: Hordaland 1 (1F)
Chair: Eirik Valseth
CoChair: Ethan Kubatko
Model Adaptivity – Combining Hydrostatic And Non-Hydrostatic Shallow Water Modeling (Keynote Lecture)
Jörn Behrens

Numerical Testcases to Study Proudman Resonance Using Shallow Water Models
Nicole Beisiegel and Jörn Behrens

Comparaison of Lax-Wendroff numerical schemes solving conservative and non-conservative Boussinesq equations to an operational code
Aurore Cauquis, Mario Ricchiuto and Philippe Heinrich

Influence of the turbulent wake downstream offshore wind turbines on larval dispersal: development of a new Lagrangian-Eulerian model
Souha Ajmi, Martial Boutet, Anne-Claire Bennis and Jean-Claude Dauvin

Propagation of acoustic and gravity waves in the ocean: a new derivation for a general model
Juliette Dubois, Jacques Sainte-Marie and Sébastien Imperiale