08 June 2022    16:30 - 18:30   Add
Dakota Software for Optimization, Uncertainty Quantification and Model Calibration
Minisymposium organized by D. Thomas Seidl, Brian M. Adams, J. Adam Stephens and Gianluca Geraci
Room: Spitsbergen
Chair: Adam Stephens
Overview of the latest features and capabilities in the Dakota software
J. Adam Stephens, D. Thomas Seidl , Brian M. Adams and Gianluca Geraci

Hybrid physics-based, data-driven surrogate modeling for digital twins
Karthik Duraisamy and Jasmin Lim

Elastic Model Calibration using Dakota
J. Derek Tucker, Michael S. Eldred and Devin Francom

Uncertainty quantification of the multiphase Discrete Element Model at novel test-rig using in-house algorithms
Marcin Nowak, Agata Widuch, Dawid Sukiennik, Kari Myöhänen, Markku Nikku, Alessandro Parente and Wojciech Adamczyk

Model tuning for multifidelity sampling in Dakota
Michael Eldred, Gianluca Geraci, Bryan Reuter, Teresa Portone, John Jakeman and Alex Gorodetsky

Multifidelity UQ workflows with Dakota’s graphical user interface
Gianluca Geraci, Elliott M. Ridgway, Brian M. Adams, Bryan W. Reuter and Michael S. Eldred

Multilevel Monte Carlo derivative-free optimization under uncertainty of wind power plants
Friedrich Menhorn, Gianluca Geraci, D. Thomas Seidl, Ryan King, Michael Eldred, Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Youssef Marzouk